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Scattery Island

Ogham Stone and Cross slab

Located next to the west wall of St Senan's Bed is an ogham stone. There are only a couple of scratched letters remaining. The stone appears to have been used as a seat, which may account for the worn letters.

Cross Slab

To the west of the ogham stone is a cross slab, pictured below. It bears the inscription 'O~R~DOMOINACH' Pray for Moinach.

Situated: On Scattery Island. Boats sail to the Island from Kilrush Marina during the summer period.

Discovery Map 63: Q 9721 5265. Last visit July 2014.

Longitude: 9° 31' 4" W

Latitude: 52° 36' 56" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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